Dynamic Routing is an organization directing technique that works with the switches to single out the steering ways relying upon the organization design’s coherent changes progressively. This is inverse to the run of the mill customary static organization directing. This is a computerized steering method that requires extremely less organization and oversight. Different conventions utilized in this directing strategy are Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP).


Dynamic routing protocol working is explained as under :
  • The router first delivers and then receives routing messages over the router interface.
  • Dynamic Router messages also share the information with different routers that make use of the very same protocol.
  • Routers would then swap their routing information in order to discover the data regarding remote networks.
  • When soever the router finds a change in the topology, routing protocol advertises that particular topology change to all other routers.
Dynamic routing is considered easy to configure on large networks, and also, it is more intuitive than static routing at a selection of the best route, detection of the route changes, and also a discovery of the remote networks.
But, since the routers always share updates, they always consume bandwidth more than it consumes in static routing. The router’s CPUs, as well as RAM, also face loads that are added as a result of protocols of routing. At last, dynamic routing is considered to be less secure than static routing.


  • Dynamic Routing includes more robotization in the manner that directing gets consequently shipped off different switches as a whole.
  • Dynamic Routing likewise includes a difference in notice in the way that the dynamic directing convention has the capacity to reroute the traffic around the connection, which is blocked.
  • Dynamic Routing includes higher uptime for the clients since the steering convention has got knowledge, and it can likewise respond a lot quicker; thusly, clients can see higher uptime.
  • Dynamic Routing additionally manages more noteworthy throughput of the organization since the steering convention can work out the most responsive organization connect to utilize, likewise clients see not so much dormancy but rather more execution in the organization.
  • Dynamic Routing includes significantly less work for heads as, and when the organization develops, the overseer needs not to stress with respect to the design of different switches on an organization. Rather, the executive would design the dynamic directing convention on another switch to converse with those switches and make them mindful of the new switch’s organizations.


There exist numerous inside entryway steering conventions, or at least, IGP. These are the conventions that could be utilized inside the organization. These conventions are upheld by each switch and working arrangement of the server like Windows 2003 Server or Linux. A portion of the conventions are made sense of as under :

1. OSPF ( Open Shortest Path First )

It is an extremely popular dynamic directing convention that is being utilized in this day and age. OSPF is likewise an open convention to guarantee that any switch or even server working framework can run this convention. It chooses the best course by utilizing cost as its measurement. It is likewise viewed as a total highlighted steering convention, and furthermore it tends to be perplexing; nonetheless, it can likewise scale to any estimate in the organization.

2. EIGRP ( Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol )

It is viewed as an exclusive convention for Cisco. Only for your data, simply the Cisco gadgets utilize EIGRP. It is a finished included convention, very much like OSPF. It makes them stun highlights, yet until you ensure that you will have a Cisco organization, the utilization of open convention (OSPF) is suggested. EIGRP has supplanted IGRP, which was its ancestor. The necessary metric to choose the best course through EIGRP is determined utilizing a recipe that considers transfer speed, unwavering quality, postponement of the connection, and burden.

3. RIP ( Routing Information Protocol )

Tear is viewed as an open-source convention. Rendition 2 is the furthest down the line one that you ought to utilize today since it gives VLSM, or at least, Variable Length Subnet Mask support. It is the most straightforward and simplest convention of directing to arrange, in spite of the fact that it additionally has lesser highlights than OSPF. It is confined to steering for the organization having under 15 jumps. This convention functions admirably for a little organization that doesn’t consider growing to a great extent. One more extraordinary element about it is that the littlest switches and firewalls by and large help it.

4. BGP ( Border Gateway Protocol )

BGP is viewed as the steering convention of the Internet. It is additionally Exterior Gateway Protocol, that is to say, EGP which implies that BGP is utilized by switches going with choices of steering on the Internet. On the off chance that your home has an association with the Internet, you don’t actually require BGP or even need to run it. On the off chance that the switch has got more than one committed association, you could require running. A way vector convention infers that it can choose the best course contrasted with other directing conventions. BGP utilizes the “AS-PATH” as the directing measurement and furthermore chooses the course that has the most limited way through the whole Internet.


Consequently, we can infer that the steering conventions are only a bunch of dialects that the switch uses to impart the directing data alongside different switches. The principal advantage of utilizing directing convention is its capacity to get adjusted to changing the organization geography.